3 things every teen girl should know going into 2022

1. You don’t need to start some life altering new year resolution
Many of us use the new year as an excuse to pick on ourselves. We think we need to lose weight. Start some unrealistic diet. Change our physical appearance. But there is no need for any of that. Choose to exercise to stay healthy, not to change the way you look. Eat food to fuel your body. Worry more about what’s on the inside, not the outside.
2. Learn to say “No”
You can’t say yes to everything. You can’t volunteer for everything. You can’t go to every sleep over. You have to take the time to rest or else you’re going to exhaust your body. It’s ok to say no. The sooner you learn to say no the better.
3. Go easy on yourself
You are navigating your teenage years while simultaneously going through a global pandemic. That’s not easy! So be kind to yourself. Don’t compare yourself to the girl you see on TikTok. It’s ok if you don’t get all A’s. There are going to be days you’re going to feel down. Let yourself feel those feelings. You don’t have to suck it up, or “fake it until you make it.”
I hope 2022 brings you lots of joy, but with joy comes sorrows, during those moments my hope is you come out on the other side a better and stronger versions of yourself.
You got this.
Your online bestie/life Coach,