drum roll please…here is the yooou! Winter box reveal

We know you have been waiting for the yooou! Winter box reveal and guess what… today is the day!
But funny thing, our friends at dosaygive beat us to it!
We are so extremely appreciative to be on their tween and teen girl holiday gift guides! The dosaygive gift guides are the best in all the land. If you need a gift for ANYONE on your list, that is the place to go.
Ok, so the moment you have been waiting for, the Winter box reveal…
We are kind of cheating by only showing you a picture of the list of items but go to our website (click here) and you’ll see pictures and details for everything. The 2024 planner, cord organizer, and portable mirror are our favorite things. Actually no, we LOVE the lip gloss. Oh, and the snowflake clings – those are handmade by the sweetest artist who is grad school to be an art therapist. Wait, we really do love the heatless curler too. Obviously, we can’t decide…can you?
Go order a yooou! subscription box! They make a fabulous gift! You can get a year-long subscription or pay per quarter. All the details are on our website.
Order soon (by December 15) and we can get it to you before the holidays.
And go check out the dosaygive gift guides.
Happy Holidays!!