Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center Holiday for Hope Annual Gift Drive

The holidays are here! Sienna and I are making lists and checking them twice. One of those lists has gift ideas for the tween and teen girls who are clients of DCAC.
Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center (DCAC) is an amazing organization who serve the most severely abused children in Dallas. Back in the spring during our “shelter in place”, I asked their director if she was seeing an increase in cases and her answer was no. Surprised, I questioned her further.
She explained that approximately 85% of child abuse is reported by teachers so when kids are remote learning or in quarantine, it is more difficult to identify issues and be able to step in to help. Now that most schools in the Dallas area are open, the number of cases are climbing and DCAC is as busy as ever. (I don’t want to think of what happens if schools close again).
Another DCAC statistic that struck Sienna and myself is that their average client is a 9-year-old girl. A 9-year-old girl! We knew we had to do something.
We decided that supporting DCAC’s 2020 Holiday for Hope was a great way to get involved.
Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center is holding their annual gift drive, Holiday for Hope, now through December 11. They will serve over 1800 abused children this holiday. The gifts they need the most – and receive the least – are gifts for teens.
That is where yooou! comes in. We are helping DCAC collect gifts for tween and teen girls since that is what we know best. Please consider donating. Gift cards, jewelry, make-up, skincare products, art supplies are all items that the girls will love.
To donate, locate the DCAC wish list by visiting Smile. Amazon.com and search “Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center” or go to dcac.org/holiday. If you are local, Sienna and I are collecting items and will bring to DCAC on December 11. Please comment here or DM us through Instagram and we will organize a pick up or drop off.
We are hoping that we can provide the tween and teen girls who DCAC serves a happier holiday. Please help us show them hope and love this season. Thank you! Maria