DCAC gave me my life back, by PL

This article was written for yooou! by 12-year-old, PL. The content may be difficult for some. Please discuss with a parent or adult.
I was 9 and my sister was 12 when we were both abused by our next-door neighbor who we thought was our friend He threatened me not to tell and I was scared so I kept the secret for a long time, but I finally told my mom and I was taken to DCAC (Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center) to tell my story. Even though I was ashamed, I felt immediate relief when my secret was out. The people at DCAC believed me and were so kind to me and my family. I met with many people that day, all smiling.
When I got home I no longer felt safe playing outside or sleeping in my bedroom—it was too close to him. I was anxious, scared, couldn’t sleep. My sister and I who used to be best friends were fighting constantly. My family moved to a new home and I was too scared to make new friends or trust anyone because of what happened. I began therapy to help with my panic attacks and my therapist taught me many methods to cope, reduce my anxiety and heal through my trauma. I graduated from therapy two years ago and have never been happier. DCAC gave me my safety and my life back.
To read more about DCAC in a previous post, click here. Please consider contributing to their Holiday of Hope Annual Gift Drive to give tween and teen girls in their system, as well as the other children they help, a special Christmas. To donate, click here or comment below. If you are local, Sienna and I will pick up and deliver the gift to DCAC this Saturday. Happy Holidays!