finding a balance, by EB

This article was written for yooou! by our summer intern 17-year-old, EB.
Balancing school, sports, friends, and all the other things life throws at you, can feel difficult throughout school. Here are some tips to help you manage everything.
1. Create a Routine
Having a set routine can make a huge difference. Pick a specific time each day to sit down and do your homework. Whether it’s right after school or after dinner, stick to this time every day. Consistency helps you get into the habit and makes it easier to keep up with your schoolwork.
2. Prioritize Your Tasks
Not all tasks are going to be equal. Make a list of what you need to do and rank them by importance. Do you have a big test coming up? Focus on studying for that first. Is there a project due next week? Start working on it a little each day. Breaking things down really helps manage your time better. It also prevents you from cramming everything at the last minute.
3. Use a Planner/Calendar
I have found this to be the most helpful tool throughout my highschool experience. I use my calendar on my computer and fill out everything I have each week. We are only human, and it is hard to remember every little task we have ahead. Write down all your assignments, practice schedules, and social plans. Seeing everything laid out in front of you helps you visualize your week and find time for everything.
4. Don’t Over-Work Yourself
Setting goals is great, but make sure you don’t commit to too many things in one week. Overloading yourself with too many things can become so stressful while in school. It’s ok to say no sometimes and ok to have time just for yourself. Focus on what’s important and what makes you happy.
5. Make Time for Yourself
Through all the hustle with life, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Make time for things you enjoy, like reading, exercising, or just chilling out. Self-care is crucial for maintaining your mental health. School, sports, friends, ect, can be super stressful and time consuming. So, it is important to also add time for things that you love to do.
6. Communicate with Your Coaches and Teachers
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, talk to your coaches and teachers. This was something I was always nervous about when growing up. I was so scared to go and talk to my teachers and ask for help. Once I got into highschool, I began doing this and found out how extremely helpful it is. I learned that all the teachers want to do is help. They can help you find a balance between school and sports. They might offer extensions or help you find extra practice time.
7. Stay Organized
Keep your study space organized. It’s easier to concentrate when your surroundings are neat. I found that using binders to keep your notes and assignments in, has been extremely helpful. I always made separate tabs for each class so that all my class homeworks wasn’t all mixed up. This will help you stay organized throughout the year and find your things faster.
8. Lean on Your Support System
Friends and family are there to support you. Don’t be afraid to lean on them when you’re feeling stressed. There is so much that goes on in life but you always can remember that there are so many people that love you. This can vary from your parents, grandparents, siblings, school counselors, and many other people who are there for you. Your loved ones can offer advice, a listening ear, or even just a distraction when you need it.
9. Stay Positive
Even though this may seem like a basic tip. It is so important throughout school. Life can be so difficult at times but from what I have learned, there are so many better outcomes when you go into things positively. And even when things seem really hard, you have to remember it is just temporary. And it will pass. So stay positive and look on the bright side of things. Stay focused on your goals, keep a positive mindset, and remember that you’re doing your best.
Balancing school, sports, and friends is a challenge, but these tips will help guide you through it. Keep pushing forward and remember to enjoy the journey because it goes by fast.
To read another article from EB, click here.