I am grateful for the opportunity to help kids with their education, by MS

I think quality education is one of the most important aspects of life for any kid of any age! Every child deserves to be able to learn and grow to help them further on in life.
I am so grateful to get the opportunity to help various kids with their education throughout the year!
Every summer I get the amazing opportunity to help out kids in Foster Elementary for a week. It is such a great experience and I truly feel so blessed after each day of helping the kids!
We are with them from 7:30-3:30 each day and help with all things school. Our day includes sports, arts, music, learning, and lunch. The teachers are always so sweet and thankful for volunteers’ help and I can tell how grateful they are each and every day.
I love how any small acts we do for the teachers makes their day so much better and easier. The kids also love having new people to help! Each year I get to learn about the kids’ favorite sports, hobbies, and music. They are all so sweet and love spending time with the volunteers.
Another amazing philanthropy that helps with education is Caillet Elementary. This is another lower school that I help out with every other Friday throughout the school year.
At the beginning of the year we are assigned a classroom. From there we are able to get to know our class better each week and help the teacher with anything they might need. In previous weeks I have helped organize kids homework, make posters form upcoming events, and help them serve kids their breakfast for that morning. It is so much fun and I get to know the kids so well!
The most amazing part about all of this is the impact I am able to make on the teachers, kids, and the community.
The best feeling is when the kids’ faces light up to see you the following week and they remember your name and give you the biggest hug!
Even if it is only a small amount of time, any impact you can have in philanthropy means so much to the community you serve. If you don’t know where to start or who to help, talk to teachers, friends, or parents and I am sure they can help get you started on your journey to make wonderful impacts in people’s lives!
This post was written for yooou! by one of our Ambassadors, 16 year old, MS. To read other articles from MS, click here and here.