here are 7 fun halloween costume ideas for a group of three, by BW

If you’re looking for a costume for a group of three, you came to the right place!
Every year, my two friends and I dress up together and we always have the best time thinking of a costume. Each year we like to think of something new and creative to make things interesting.
We like to do funny and cute costumes to mix it up.
Here are some of our favorites!
This costume is super easy and fun! We bought each item separately because we couldn’t find one that we liked most so we did it ourselves. The tootoo’s added some fun, the pink lama shirts were super cute, and the hat tied it all together.
Thing 1, Thing 2, and Thing 3:
Although this isn’t the most creative costume considering a lot of people do it, we thought it was so cute. You can find one of these costumes that come with all the accessories you need which makes things super easy.
This is probably our funniest costume we have done. There are so many blow up costumes you can find on Amazon or other websites that will be perfect if you’re looking for something like this. We got so many laughs and compliments because not only did we look like ballerinas, we were blown up all night. It really wasn’t too hard to walk in because of how much fun we were having showing off our costume!
This costume was super easy to find and such a fun costume to play around with. We all wore braids in our hair, glitter on our faces, and shiny shoes to match! This costume was super easy to walk around in and I also use it to this day for random dress up parties!
This costume was definitely the most liked and complimented. We figured it was perfect because we have never seen anyone do it and there are three of us. Although it is really boys who play the characters, we ended up making it look cute. We found this costume on Amazon that came with all the pieces which was easy for us. We had so much fun shopping for this and showing everyone it.
Dorthy, Glenda the Good Witch, and Elphaba the Bad Witch:
The best part of this costume was that we all got to be something different but match at the same time. We each shopped for our own role and had so much fun showing each other. We all loved playing different roles because it allowed us to take such cute and fun pictures!
Princess Diaries:
This costume was another DIY costume and was also super easy. We took some of our pink dresses, bought tiaras, and bought some white gloves to match the princess part of the Princess Diaries movie. We also borrowed some headphones from the school and our sunglasses at home to match the normal/nerd part of the movie. This was a super creative costume and we had so much fun in it!
We have linked what we can but you can also get creative, that’s half of the fun!
This post was written for yooou! by one of our Ambassadors 16 year old, BW. To read other posts by BW, click here and here.