During the time of uncertainty, turn your focus from boredom and worry to philanthropy and hope. There are many organizations that teen girls can help in simple ways. Scroll down for a list of charities and ways you can help. Please use the “contact us” page for any questions or to send us organizations that you would like us to add.
How you can help:
Sandwich Making:
- Sandwiches our clients LOVE include: Turkey, Ham, Tuna, PB&J, and Chicken Salad
o Please limit the amount of ham sandwiches due to client dietary restrictions - All meat sandwiches must be prepared as followed: bread, meat, bread
- If your team would like to add cheese, leave cheese wrapped, place on the outside of sandwich, but inside bag
- No condiments on the sandwiches, individual packets on the side only.
- No sandwiches using heels are accepted
- Place each sandwich in a re-sealable bag, no saran wrap
Hygiene Kits: Hygiene kits should include, but not limited to:
- Gallon zip lock bag or drawl string bag to hold items
- Toothpaste
- Tooth brush
- Bar of soap
- Deodorant
- Lotion
- Chapstick
Contact: Libby Card (libby.card@austinstreet) for more information including drop off instructions.
How you can help:
Make as many PB&J sandwiches as would like (please wear rubber gloves!) and put them in individual ziplock bagsOR…
Make as many cookies was you would like and put 2-3 in individual ziplock bags.
Contact: david@soupmobile.org or davidtimothy@aol.comfor more information, including drop off instructions.
How you can help:
Make a donation. Organizers will work with area hospitals to provide a meal to the medical staff from one of the local restaurants.
Contact: info@foodforthefrontlines.org
How you can help:
Since most students lack basic art supplies in their homes, create art kits for these kids. Each kit includes:
4 pencils
1 package of crayons
1 package of markers
1 package of colored pencils
Construction paper tablet (multiple colors)
1 pair of Scissors
1 glue stick
1 watercolor pallet (if available)
1 package of drawing/watercolor paper
Contact: kprieur@unitedtolearn.org for information and drop off instructions.
Members of United to Lead, the high school member organization within United to Learn, are encouraging their high school peers to create a video archive of student-created learning opportunities. These videos are saved on our United to Learn YouTube Channel featuring:
- United to Learn Reads: reading children’s books
- United to Learn Sports: inspiring athletic skills
- United to Learn Arts: sharing music and arts skills
- United to Learn Science: demonstrating fun science experiments
Please go to https://unitedtolearn.org/videoseries/ for video submission directions and more information.
How you can help:
Parkland Hospital COVID-19 Wards are without artwork, decorations and basics such as TV or radio. What is needed: Handmade Artwork with messages of encouragement for not only those that are sick but those working to heal. These messages could be “we are praying for you”, bible verses, poetry, drawings showing love. In addition to the artwork, they need tape to put up the artwork and earbuds (unopened). Please send these to: Charlotte Dooley, 8017 Preston Rd, Dallas, Texas 75225
How you can help:
Please help provide hope to 1800 abused children this holiday by supporting Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center Holiday for Hope Gift Drive (https://dcac.org/getinvolved/holiday-of-hope/ ). Log on for more details.
How you can help:
How you can help:
- Monetary donations are the biggest need right now. Every $1 donated will help provide 3 meals for a hungry North Texan
- Food donations (only in need of peanut butter, cereal bars, canned fruit, canned tuna and chicken) brought to 3677 Mapleshade Lane, Plano, Texas 75075.
- Purchase items off the Amazon wish list: www.ntfb.org/wishlist.
- Virtual volunteer opportunities. Learn more about them at: https://ntfb.org/how-to-virtually-volunteer-with-ntfb/
How you can help:
- Fill out the form provided and you will be matched with a family or individual in need that meets your criteria of giving in your community
- If your local community is not already part of the program, you can create one in your area with the help of 5 friends and approximately 2 hours of work a day
Contact: www.pandemicoflove.com/contact-me