I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro (part 2), by SF

This is the second post in a 2-part series. To read about the beginning of the trip, click here.
day 5/6
This was 100% the scariest day of the trip.
We woke up early and went on a short hike, about 3 hours and rested the rest of the day, except for a short acclimatization hike that we went on. That night, or rather, the next morning, we would be summiting.

At dinner, we were told our plan for that night. We would go to bed as soon as we could, wake up at 11pm, and hopefully be hiking by 12 am. I was terrified, and I think everyone else was too.

But after four hours of sleep, I was waking up and hiking by 12:30 am. Everyone was quiet. It was freezing cold, and I had on 6 shirt layers, 4 pant layers, 2 pairs of socks on, and 2 pairs of gloves on, and I still couldn’t feel my toes.
That summit hike was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, by far.
We were hiking up a mountain (which was different from the other 2 we had already climbed, but still Kilimanjaro) in the dark, in the freezing cold, and in the middle of the night. One of the craziest parts was that they told us “If you need to sit down, you can, but do not close your eyes, do not lay your head back, and do not put too much of your weight on your poles, because you will fall asleep.”

It was true. I started crying several times, and I kept thinking “Why did I do this again?” but, honestly, I think that God got me through it. I saw Him in so many parts of the trip, and it was wonderful to feel so connected.

Finally, at 9:35 am on September 3rd, we summited. We were exhausted but so happy. I felt an incredible sense of accomplishment at successfully summiting Kilimanjaro at 13.
And we still weren’t done. We hiked for 3 hours down, ate lunch, hiked for 2 more hours, and finally, we made it to the last camp.
day 7
I was honestly really sad on this part of the trip, because it was our last day, and I was going to miss having fun with everyone on the mountain.

We hiked for a few hours down, and then we were off the mountain.
It was such an incredible experience, and I truly enjoyed every minute of it. But taking a shower felt really good.
We ate dinner in the hotel that night and then left the next morning. It was bittersweet, as we were all going to miss each other, but we would all see each other again. We flew back to Dallas, and all said goodbye to each other at the airport.

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro was such an incredible experience, and I know I’ll remember it for the rest of my life.
This is article is written for yooou! by 13 year old, SF. To read Part 1 of her amazing trip, click here.
December 19, 2024 @ 10:18 pm
Even though I am your 80 year old grandmother, Mimi, I feel as though I have climbed every
inch of the way with you. You accomplished and learned so much — especially how much encouragement from others means in reaching a goal! We are so very proud of you and look forward to your next adventure.!