my life growing up on a farm, by KB

This post was written for yooou! by 14 year old, KB.
Hey everyone, my name is Kodi Brown, and I live on a farm in Davenport, Washington.
I have always been a farm kid, my parents used to grow wheat, and now I live on my grandparents farm where we raise cows, pigs and hay crops.
We run about 100 beef cows, and we raise pigs seasonally for our family.
The cows are my personal favorite, the babies are sooo cute!
Every season brings a new task. Spring is definitely the busiest with, end of calving season, sending the cows to pasture, field work, and fence fixing.
June thru September is hay season, we have about 200 acres of hay fields where we grow a variety of crops, alfalfa and grass hay being our two highest producing.
There are always late night cow checks, my favorite!!!
Fall takes us back into working calves. This is when we separated the babies from their moms to sell, and replace all ear tags that faded while they were out at pasture.
After we sell the calves, the moms go back out to pasture until December.
We start off with feeding cows at the beginning of December, then we move them back to their calving grounds in January and the countdown to the first baby starts! We feed our cows every day, typically in the morning, and check for any new calves.
Calving is over mid April, then the springwork starts again.
Check out my instagram, I grow cut flowers too! Living on a farm is a lot of hard work and long hours, but is also super rewarding, and a lot of fun!!