try for tryouts (part 2), by PP

This article was written for yooou! by 14-year-old, “PP”.
I have tried out for school sports and club sports for some time now and I love it! I love the challenge and being part of a team. When I am getting ready for tryouts, I like to do skills with other coaches to get different introduction and training. I also practice on my own outside, whether its juggling a soccer ball, bumping and setting a volleyball or taking a jog to clear my head. Its important to prepare physically so you can give it your best at the tryouts.
Just as important as physically training is mentally training. I like to be off any screens the day of tryouts or games because it relaxes my mind and gets me focused. I also visualize different plays and game scenarios which helps me prepare mentally for different challenges that may come up. I also have a “pump up” playlist that gets me hyped up for games or tryouts.
It is also very important to be a good sport. I have always made a point to have good sportsmanship towards my coaches, team-mates and opponents. Building these relationships makes you a better player and teammate and your coaches will appreciate you and you will stand out during tryouts.