3 ways to incorporate positive thinking into our lives, by ST

This article was written for yooou! by 17 year old, ST.
Hey everyone! Today is National Positive Thinking Day.
Don’t let that throw you off, this blog isn’t going to be me telling you all to just slap on a face and ‘think positive’ everyday. (I think that’s unrealistic).
Instead, I thought it would be nice to look at the different ways we can incorporate positive thinking into our lives, for days that we might need it.
So, how can we incorporate positivity into our lives without getting too ‘cliche’ so to speak? I’ve come up with a few ideas:
- Create a gratitude jar:
Write down all of the things you are grateful for in your life and put them all into a jar. (You could also include some of your favourite memories) And then, if you feel like you need a ‘pick me up’, take one out and read!
- Engage in self-care:
This is such an important factor! Whether it’s setting aside 10 minutes per day to listen to your favourite song or read a book it is important to allow yourself some ‘me time’ because you deserve it!
- Practice Mindfulness:
Mindfulness looks different for everyone. Some people enjoy meditation but that might not be your thing! For me, I found the ‘Finch’ app to be a great self-care tool. It is an app that helps you with personal growth and has so much to offer. You get to take care of a ‘birb’ and by completing tasks such as positive affirmations or goals you set (such as completing chores) you get to send your ‘birb’ on adventures. I think it is definitely worth a try! The Finch app: finchcare.com
With that being said, of course we all have days where the last thing we want to do is say 3 positive affirmations but being positive doesn’t mean we have to ignore our struggles, it just means we acknowledge those feelings without letting them define us.
Think of it as standing in the rain and saying “this is bad weather but at least I have an umbrella!”
Some positivity prompts for yooou!:
- What small victory did you achieve today?
- What is one goal you are excited to work towards?
- Who in your life inspires you to think positively? Send them a text!
- Write down something you love about yourself
Hope you have a great weekend!
Click here, here and here to read more posts from our Ambassador, ST.