a message to my many awesome teachers, by RM

This was written for yooou! by 13-year-old, RM.
It’s Teacher Appreciation Week and I want to thank all of the amazing teachers who have helped guide me from Pre-K to Middle School!
I have had so many awesome teachers that it would be way too hard to pick a favorite. You have all taught me so much.
Here is a pic of me and the teacher who taught me in both 2nd and 3rd grade. She was so fun and I loved her even more because she went to the same camp I go to.
This has been a hard year which is why we appreciate the teachers even more. Thanks, again! Hope you all have a great week! R.M.
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all of the outstanding teachers who make an impact in their students’ lives every day. To read a “Sienna says” about the teachers that have made the most difference in her life, click here.