why you should rely on your friends, by MW

I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out how to start this since 8:34. It’s 8:57 now. For those of you who are even worse at math than I am, that’s 24 minutes. I meant for that to sound all dramatic, although, now that I think about it, 24 minutes doesn’t sound like that long. I guess it feels a lot longer to me as I’ve been sitting with my thoughts trying to formulate them into plausible sentences that could express the simple word “friendship”.
Like many words, friendship can have different connotations for different people.
Some may immediately think of their childhood best friend and the fond memories they have together bonding over late night talks and awkward haircuts.
Some may think of the girl they used to know better than themselves but now have only their Instagram to stalk while wondering what went wrong.
And some may think of the girls currently in their life. The ones they thank God for everyday, the ones they could never live without, and the ones they take for granted for every second that they’re around. For me, although the first two certainly cross my mind, it’s the third connotation that sticks.
This year, I’m a junior in high school.
For those of y’all who have already lived it, you know how emotionally taxing junior year can be. Not just because of the stress from school, but because of the stress of everything. Pressure from college counselors to bulk up your resume, comparing your grades and accomplishments to others, fearing you will never measure up. And while your parents might sympathize with you and tell you they understand, the only people who can truly understand are the ones walking through it with you.
Your friends.
If there’s anything I’ve learned this year, it’s to rely on your friends. They know exactly how you’re feeling because they’re feeling it too. They understand why you’re frustrated over an assignment because they also spent 2 hours working on it yesterday until 2 A.M.
So lean on each other.
A couple weeks ago, I was having an awful day. It was one of those days that starts out bad and ends with a 10 mile long “to do” list that you already know you won’t achieve. I had a test the next day and I didn’t know what else to do so, I called one of my best friends. She stayed on the phone with me for no less than 2 hours, explaining the concepts of the test, comforting me, and she wouldn’t even let me hang up without ensuring I was 100% okay.
She poured so much of her time into me that night, making me feel seen and cared for.
And that’s the beauty of friendships during these chaotic teenage years—they’re a two-way street.
The very next day, my friend called me in the exact same state I was in the night before. She too was having one of those days and needed someone to lean on. So, I returned the favor with zero judgment and so much love because I understood.
Whenever I was down, she gave her all to lift me back up, and I did the same for her.
Friendships like these are truly invaluable, especially during the most stressful and chaotic years of your life.
So take advantage of the friends you’ve made along the way.
They’re living the same chaos, feeling the same pressures, and navigating the same uncertainties.
So, lean on them. Let them lift you when you’re struggling, and don’t be afraid to do the same for them. These are the people who get it—who get you—in a way no one else can right now, and that kind of understanding is something you’ll carry with you forever.
This post was written for yooou! by our Ambassador, 17 year old MW. To read MW’s other posts, “these are 3 of the best study methods and 5 amazing study tips“, “don’t forget to let your sister(s) know what she means to you“, and “how Bastille day is different than the 4th of July“.