call your grandparents

Your grandparents are special people. They know where you come from and might be able to help with where you are going. And they would love to hear from you right now so give them a call!
They know what it’s like to be your age, (and they’ve lived to tell about it!) Okay, so they may not exactly know who Beyonce is, and probably don’t own Post Malone’s new one on vinyl. They can still give you advice and are great listeners, so give it a shot! If you need a conversation-starter, ask your grandparents how they handled a stressful school situation when they were your age. Or ask for advice on how to help a troubled friend. Your grandparents’ wisdom can give you a positive outlook on a difficult situation.
They hold the keys to your family history and are great storytellers. Got questions? They’ve got answers! Grandparents know your family history so try asking what your parents were like as teenagers. Or maybe you’d like to know about their first date? Need an interesting topic for an essay? Try asking about world events that happened when they were young. They can give you lots of great information and often a firsthand account of events. And don’t forget to ask about your ancestry and your roots. The answer could give you a new perspective on the world.
By calling your grandparents once a week, you’ll get some great advice, learn something new, and keep them up-to-date. If you don’t have grandparents, call a “grand-friend.” Grand-friends are older family members or friends who have their own wonderful stories to share. Grandparents or grand-friends – they would love to hear from you today.