drink more water

Are you drinking enough water? According to researchers, you are not! When you are not hydrated, you can become tired and moody. Yikes. Since water has many beauty and health benefits, it’s time to drink up!
Who doesn’t want smooth, clear skin? Drinking water prevents acne breakouts and moisturizes your skin, making it feel softer and smoother.
Drinking water can help regulate your weight, especially if you replace a sugary drink with a glass of ice water. It can increase your metabolism and reduce water retention. Water retention is when your hands, feet, legs, and belly swell, which can make you look bloated.
Drinking water makes you more healthy overall. No one likes feeling bad and water can often fix a lot of problems, like headaches or nausea. It also helps flush toxins out of your body which is good when you are sick.
Some research suggests you should drink 8 glasses of water every day. Other research says that if you feel thirsty, you are showing early signs of dehydration. Dehydration is when your body is starting to “dry up”. It is dangerous because it puts a strain on your organs and then they don’t function properly. You don’t ever want to get dehydrated!
Drinking water doesn’t have to be boring. Using a fun water bottle is convenient and good for the environment. Some popular water bottles are Hydroflask, Camelbak and S’well.
A Hydroflask keep your water cold all day, even when it’s hot outside. There are many different colors, sizes and lids to chose from. They are easy to carry around because of the handle and they are easy to drink from because they have a straw lid.
Camelbak water bottles are less expensive than Hydroflasks. One different feature is a “bite valve”. It’s a rubber top that has a slit down the middle. When you bite on the rubber, the water comes out. This prevents spills and makes drinking from a Camelbak quick and easy. These water bottles also come in different colors, sizes and lid types.
S’well water bottles come in so many cool colors and patterns. It might be hard to chose your favorite! S’wells are the most compact which is perfect for the side pocket of your backpack or sports bag. They are insulated so the water stays cold for a long time.