how to write the sweetest love letter

One more week until Valentine’s Day. This is a repost from 2020 and since so many of you are new to our community, we thought we would post it again…
This is the perfect week to tell the people you love how much they mean to you.
One unique way to express your adoration is through a love letter, so we want to give you a few tips that we have found in writing the perfect love letter.
A love letter does not have to be long or “gushy” but it does need to be personal and sincere. Be specific in the reason you like, love or adore your recipient.
Dear Bestie,
You mean the world to me because you always know when to make me laugh.
Dear Dad,
I love you because you patiently help me solve my math homework.
Dear Sam,
You are the best brother because you saved that last piece of pizza for me.
Adding a fond memory to your letter is a good way to create a connection or expand on the reason for your adoration.
Another tip is to always put a positive spin on your statements. For example, “I think you are amazing because you are are so nice to your friends” sounds much better than if you said, “I think you are amazing because you are not mean to your friends”.
There are several ways to write love letter. You can buy a card that expresses your feelings or write your own sentiments on a piece of nice stationary. (We love these from Joy Creative Shop). You can also get creative by making your own card with colored paper, markers and stickers. Or print a picture of you and your person together then write a note on the back of the photo. If email is best way to get your message across, type away, but receiving a hand-written note feels more special. Think about it – what type of letter do you like?
Another option for a playful love letter is not a letter at all. Instead, write several reasons you love someone on individual sheets of paper or sticky notes. Every day, put a new message on your loved one’s mirror, door or locker. After a week, there will be a list of reasons that your person is so great. And the slow-reveal is a fun way to let them know how often you think of them.
Let’s spread the love!