workout week 1

Staying at home does not mean staying still. During times of crisis, exercise should be a priority. Why, you ask? Oh, there are many reasons but some of the highlights are:
- IT MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD. Exercise increases your endorphins. Those are your body’s natural “happy” chemicals that create feelings of joy, give you energy and reduce anxiety and depression.
- IT REDUCES CORTISOL, THE “STRESS HORMONE”. When you produce too much cortisol, there are many negative reactions that can happen to your physical and emotional self. But exercise helps reduce cortisol levels, therefore, reducing mental, emotional and physical stress on the body.
- IT INCREASES SELF CONFIDENCE. By pushing yourself to do a workout, or even get off the couch, you will feel accomplished and proud of your successes big and small. As you see yourself get stronger and more capable, you will also see your overall confidence increase.
- IT HELPS CLEAN OUT YOUR PORES. When you sweat, your pores open which can help clear them of built up grime. (But don’t forget to wash off the sweat, especially on your face, because letting it sit on your skin for a prolonged period of time actually has negative effects).
For the month of April, we will be posting a workout designed by our favorite personal trainer, Dallas-based, Angie Russell. Each workout is adaptable to different levels of fitness, as well as adjustable if you have a weakness that you need to avoid, such as a sore knee. Please consult a doctor or professional if you are uncertain about your body’s abilities or limitations.
Notes: This workout is not timed, but you can add some time limits for an added challenge. This is a format called circuit training, which means you will do several exercises in a row and then repeat them.
Warm up: Walk or jog for at least 5-10 minutes
Repeat the following exercises 2 times in this order:
10 push ups on knees or feet
15 squats
10 sit ups
Repeat the following exercises 2 times in this order:
15 squat jumps (keep your chest tall!)
15 jumping switch foot lunges, each leg (modifications include low impact or no impact)
15 one-leg bridges with one leg crossed over the other, each leg
Repeat the following exercises 2 times in this order:
15 single leg Bulgarian split squats
Cool Down Stretches:
- Hamstring stretch – Lie on your back, leg extends into the air, pull it towards your face from above knee
- Hip/low back stretch – Lie on your back, twist on leg across your body to form a 90 degree angle; do on both sides
- Quad stretch – Standing, pull your foot back to your glutes; do both sides
- Standing side body stretch – Lift arms over your head then grab opposite wrist and bend to side
- Chest stretch – Standing in the doorway, make goalpost arms and then lean into doorway….lead with chest, not hips
For any questions, comment below. Click here to meet Angie. She is available for personal consultations, contact her: