improve your lacrosse skills with these routines, by SE

As lacrosse season approaches, although it is important to work on basic skills, it can be hard to know where to start. I have been playing lacrosse for nine years, and this is my routine to help me prepare and improve my skills.
Wall Ball Routine:
100 right
100 left
50 quick stick right
50 quick stick left
25 one handed right
25 one handed left
25 off shoulder right
25 off shoulder left
25 around the world dominant hand or behind the back
50 fake then pass right
50 fake then pass left
50 switches
25 quick stick switches
50 shovel passes
Shooting Routine:
50 right arm
50 left arm
25 Aiming for each corner right and left hand
Split dodges to goal
Roll dodged to goal
Catching the ball and running to goal
Question mark dodges
Faking for one corner and shooting at the opposite corner
Iggy shuffle
Two feet in each box
One foot in each box
Hopping in and out of each box
Right foot jab
Left foot jab
This article was written by one of our Ambassadors, 16 year old, SE. To read another article from SE, click here for “my favorite lip products” and here for “embracing my curly hair”.
To read the article, “tips for tryouts”, by a high school lacrosse coach, click here.