workout week 2, cardio

For the month of April, we will be posting a weekly workout designed by our favorite personal trainer, Dallas-based, Angie Russell. Each workout is adaptable to different levels of fitness. Each have modifications if you have a weakness that you need to avoid, such as a sore knee. Please consult a doctor or professional if you are uncertain about your body’s abilities or limitations. Click on each exercise for a short instructional video.
Note: This workout has a CARDIO focus. It is broken into timed intervals so you will need a timer.
Warm up: Walk or jog for 5-10 minutes
Do as many of each exercise as you can in 45 seconds then enjoy 15 seconds of rest. Repeat the round of exercises 2x. To make this workout more challenging, increase the number of sets to 3x.
- Alternating leg curtsy squats with regular squat in between
- Bear crawl walkouts
- Around the world (3 position) squats – forward lunge, side lunge then backward lunge then switch legs
- Side plank – 2options: hold plank OR move hips up & down. Modification: drop to your knees. Do on EACH side.
- Sit ups
Do as many of each exercise as you can for 45 seconds for each exercise then 15 seconds of rest. Repeat the round of exercises 2x.
- Lateral lunges
- Pushup to downward dog
- Squat jacks
- Plank openers
- Turbo dog
- 45 second child’s pose
YOU DID IT!! Time for a cool down…
Cool Down Stretches:
- Hamstring stretch – Lie on your back, leg extends into the air, pull it towards your face from above knee
- Hip/low back stretch – Lie on your back, twist on leg across your body to form a 90 degree angle; do on both sides
- Quad stretch – Standing, pull your foot back to your glutes; do both sides
- Standing side body stretch – Lift arms over your head then grab opposite wrist and bend to side
- Chest stretch – Standing in the doorway, make goalpost arms and then lean into doorway….lead with chest, not hips
For any questions, comment below. Click here to meet Angie. She is available for personal consultations, contact her: