As you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month so to honor all of those who have fought this disease, we are launching our week-long “Think Pink and Act” Challenge.
“Think Pink and Act” Challenge
Everyday this week, we will put up a “Think Pink and Act” post on Instagram @yooou.life. Once you complete the act for the day, put a pink heart in the comments. If you complete all 5 acts by midnight on Friday, you will be entered to win a yooou! Celebration Box. We will draw the winner on Saturday, which is the last day of October.
“Think Pink and Act” Each Day
Monday: No electronics for 1 hour! That includes your phone, iPad, even your computer.
Tuesday: Connect with someone! Get in touch with a friend or family member who you haven’t talked to in a while.
Wednesday: Let’s get physical! Do 20 minutes of any kind of exercise or physical activity.
Thursday: Eat your veggies! Get 5 servings of fruits or veggies into your diet.
Friday: Self-care day. Do a mask, take a long bath, write in your journal. Take some time for you.
Share This!
Share this post or ask your moms, sisters, grandmothers, aunts, friends and daughters to do this with you. Anyone can participate! It’s an easy way to raise awareness and support the fight against breast cancer.
Our first “Think Pink and Act” Challenge will start on Instagram @yooou.life tomorrow, October 26!