get to know me, by ST

This article was written for yooou! by our intern, 17-year-old ST.
Hi Everyone!
This is a more personal blog, I thought this would be a fun way for you all to get to know me a little more! I’ve been absolutely loving my internship and I feel like it would be nice for yooou all to know more about the person who’s writing the blogs! 😊
So, this is what it means to be me:
- Having so many pyjamas sets yet always wearing them mismatched
- Always changing hair styles/cuts,
- Will talk about books to anyone who will listen
- Always invested in book couples
- Spending all money on books
- Rewatching Chicago PD episodes
- The Marvel universe
- Watching Friends
- Obsessed with Percy Jackson
- Having a sarcastic answer for almost everything
- Wearing mostly leggings, hoodies and cardigans
- Loves tote bags
- Rewatching stuff already seen rather than finding something new
- Writing a book
- Writing sad poetry
- Constantly getting new book ideas but having no time to write them
- Dark colours
- Being extremely indecisive
- Loves photography
- Takes pictures in nature
- Loves pretty sunsets
- Signature move is a thumbs up
- Reading a lot or nothing at all
- Watching a good movie/TV show and then following/obsessing over the cast
- Staying up late while exhausted
- Always tired no matter how much sleep
- Procrastinate a lot but still get things done
- Always daydreaming about the future
- Loves cappuccinos
To read more articles from ST, click here, here, here, here and here.