halloween costume ideas, by Sienna says

Halloween is one of the most fun holidays of the year. The only problem is… WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR?
This comes up every single year. What do I dress up as? Should I do a group costume? Will everyone in my group like this? It’s a very long and complicated process. After all, your costume has to be the best one, right?
This year, I’m doing a group costume. I like group costumes so you can include a bunch of friends and no one is left out. We “discussed” what we were going to be for days. So to prevent this from happening to y’all (Halloween is coming quick), I’m going to tell you some of my favorite ideas thrown around by my friends…
Sports. Wear your favorite team’s jersey. So simple.
Colors. Everyone wear a monochromatic outfit. Done. Or get a little more detailed and be crayons.
See a pattern? Dressing up as a group doesn’t have to be as complicated as the conversations to decide what you are wearing! There are so many creative ideas out there.
Here’s more…
Favorite movie character. This gives you a range of possibilities from wearing a yellow plaid suit like Cher in Clueless or a green monster costume like Mike Wisouski (a super easy DIY project – Pinterest is great for these).
Themes such as Space (aliens or space cowboys) or Tacky Tourists are fun.
Last year, my friends and I were different Holidays. I was Thanksgiving! The hot dog was for National Hotdog Day??? I guess?
This year, we were very close to being Ski Bunnies and wear ski clothes as someone saw on Tik Tok, but we decided it would be too hot. (Perfect if you don’t live in a warm weather place like Texas). So, we decided to be…
Drum roll please…
DECADES! I’m the 60s.
I would really love to know what you and your friends decide to be this year. It might help with the planning next year!
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