my favorite product for my eczema, by Sienna says

I have grown up my entire life with eczema. I have had serious allergies since I was born, and at some point I just got used to it.
When I was little, I didn’t really care about what people thought about the dry patches on my skin or the bright red rashes behind my knees. All I cared about was the discomfort and constant itchy state I was in.
I was always itching my entire body, irritating the eczema more and more. It got to the point where my mom had talked to my second grade teacher and the entire class would make it a game to see who could keep me from scratching. I would get cuts all over my legs from scratching in my sleep.
The point of all of this is, my severe case of eczema has been a constant part of my life.
As I started getting older, I became more self conscious of my legs and arms. I had been prescribed steroid cream when I was little and put it on all of my flare-ups. But I was inconsistent and the eczema would never be completely gone.
I knew that all I had to do was keep my body more moisturized, but I HATE the feeling of lotion. Lotion makes me feel really sticky and gross. (In this picture, I put my baby brother’s diaper cream all over me – I thought it was lotion!)
I went to Jordan (the country) when I was little and a bought moisturizer there, not knowing that it was a product for my face. It was the only thing that I would put on my legs and arms because the thinner consistency didn’t make me feel icky. I realized that it was supposed to go on your face, and I stopped using it.
I’ve tried a lot of different creams and medicines, but nothing felt right.
Then, I discovered my all time favorite product.
My mom left a box on my desk and told me that a company had sent us moisturizer that was started by a teenager who had eczema.
I opened the box to see cutely packaged bottles that read Mali Mali. My eczema wasn’t bad at the time. And I didn’t want to risk anything making it bad again so I didn’t use it right away. But, as sports started (being outside and sweaty) my eczema reappeared.
I started using the Mali Mali moisturizer (this one actually meant to be used on your body) every day. I fell in love with it.
All of the flaws of any other lotion I’ve used weren’t prevalent in this. It has a thin consistency, so I can put it on in the morning and not have to walk around feeling like I have an extra layer of skin. It is made from natural ingredients, so the chemicals won’t damage your skin and it doesn’t have that gross medicine smell.
The smell is probably my favorite part. Actually, it smells so good that I have asked all my friends if they liked the smell of my moisturizer. And, this actually made my eczema go away!
My skin isn’t gross and ashy anymore, and besides a few scars, my eczema patches aren’t noticeable. I highly recommend Mali Mali for anyone struggling with eczema, or just anyone who is looking for a new moisturizer.
To read more Sienna Says, click here.