self confidence, by GL

This article is written for yooou! by 14-year-old, “GL”.
Struggling with confidence is something that every girl experiences at some point in their life. No matter how much you feel like everyone else has their whole life figured out, they are struggling just as much as you are. Whether it’s in school, with their looks, relationships, or even family. Everyone is going through something. Realizing that is the first part in realizing how great you are.
The second is accepting that you are amazing and loved. A lot of people think it’s okay to put themselves down to make other people laugh. Don’t ever do that. The more you point out something you don’t like about yourself, especially publicly, the more you begin to think everyone else sees that too. You start to see it in your reflection and your personality, even when it’s far from being there. Accept that it’s not there. Don’t joke about that scar you hate or that your skin isn’t perfect, because these are small details that everyone has. Look in the mirror and say your reflection is gorgeous. Because it is.
Loving yourself also requires letting go of people who tell you you’re not good enough. If someone says something bad about you, that’s their flaw, not yours. Don’t listen to them and make sure they know that you’re not okay with them treating you like that. Distance yourself if someone is mean and toxic. Stand up for yourself. It’s scary but you’ll feel a lot better once you do.
Also, don’t worry about other people and what they think of you. Most of the time they’re too caught up in their own lives to judge you or whatever you’re doing. It takes time to feel better. So take that time and become the best you that you can be. -GL, 14 years old