why yooou should start making a recipe book now, by AS

This article was written by our summer intern, 17-year-old, AS.
Growing up I was always in the kitchen with my family.
My great grandmother taught me that food is the best way to connect with someone, like during Thanksgiving when the whole family was sitting around the table eating the food that she made.
Right before she died she wanted her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren (me) to be able to have those recipes that we all loved, so she sat down and wrote down everything she could remember. She has recipes for everything from Christmas hams and dinner potatoes to brownies and pies.
Now, each grandchild has one of her recipe books, including my house. The great thing about her recipe book is that she organized it by person. She collected many photos and made sure she wrote down everyone’s favorite recipes and included a few pictures of them as well.
During Covid I really dove into baking, every time my parents went to the store I begged them to get me the ingredients to make some of my great grandmother’s recipes or just recipes I discovered online.
The more recipes I tried the more I realized that I needed to write them down, so I added them to the blank pages in my great grandmother’s recipe book. My plan is to fill that book with everything that I love to eat and one day pass it down to my children and they will do the same.
They will never have to wonder how I made their favorite chocolate chip cookies or mac-n-cheese because it will be in the recipe book!