here’s how traveling has changed my life, by ZH

This article was written for yooou! by our summer intern, 17-year-old ZH. We had some technical difficulties sending it out earlier but better late than never!
Since I was a little kid my parents have always believed in traveling as it’s an amazing life experience.
I am eternally grateful that they had that view on traveling because it has absolutely changed my life for the better.
I have been lucky enough to have the opportunity to travel to places like Italy, France, Hawaii, Costa Rica, Mexico and many states in the US.
With every new place I have been to, I become more open-minded and educated on different cultures and languages.
Although I know not everybody gets to experience traveling, I truly hope that each person gets to one day travel to all their dream destinations and have their perspective changed as well.
Traveling is something I am truly passionate about and a dream of mine is to travel abroad while in college. I believe that I would get to experience many amazing possibilities for my future that would set me up for success!!
If you have any dreams of traveling, I truly advise each and every one of you to reach for the stars and never stop believing because one day we can all experience the endless opportunities that traveling the world offers!
To read more articles written by ZH, click here and here.