why art is the best outlet, by AS

This article was written for yooou! by our summer intern 17 year old, AS.
Since the time I can remember I have always been doing something artistic and my parents always support my creativity.
Every birthday and Christmas my parents would get me pencils, paint, markers, oil pastels, or brushes. I love being able to express myself through art.
Recently my favorite form has been drawing and watercolor, everytime I feel stressed or overwhelmed I can always rely on art to calm my mind and focus my brain.
Here are some ways art can help you:
- Expression– Through art you can convey emotions, ideas, and perspectives visually, which can be very therapeutic.
- Stress Relief– Engaging in art can serve as a form of relaxation. Focusing on the creative process can distract from stressors and promote a sense of calm.
- Mindfulness– Art encourages mindfulness as it often requires concentration and being present in the moment, similar to meditation.
- Problem Solving– Art often involves problem-solving and decision-making, such as choosing colors, compositions, or techniques, which can be intellectually stimulating.
- Sense of Achievement– Completing an art piece can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost self-esteem, especially when you see tangible progress in your skills over time.
The best part about art is that you don’t have to be an expert for the effects to work. The more you do it the easier it becomes, the more tricks you learn, and the better you get. Anyone can make art on any level and anyone can make it their outlet.
To read other articles by our talented intern, click here, here, here and here. Also, click here and here to read about 2 other girls with amazing artistic skills.