I got my ears double-pierced, Sienna says

This weekend I double pierced my ears.
My friend’s mom is a surgeon, and my mom would only let me get them if she did it. I went over to their house and she brought out huge needles. I instantly started freaking out; needles are one of my biggest fears.
My friend’s mom marked where she was going to pierce with a pen that for some reason hurt worse than the actual needle. Then my friend told me to look at her and she started babbling about something I didn’t really hear.
I could feel the first needle going into my ear, the one with the numbing stuff (if that’s what the doctor called it, that’s what I’m calling it). It burned my ear so bad I was tempted to ask her to just go ahead and pierce my ear without it.
A little history…I pierced my own ears a little less than a year ago with ice and a thumbtack, against my mom’s will. I definitely do NOT suggest doing this because I had to wait for the holes to close up before I could actually get them pierced. My mom said that they were uneven, but I’m not sure she knew what she’s talking about.
Oh and deciding to pierce my ears without permission also got my bedroom door taken away for a few days. So… don’t do it.
Anyway, after that my friend’s mom fiddled with more stuff on a table and asked my friend to take a picture of my ear. Turns out, the needle was sticking through my ear and I didn’t even know. The numbing stuff really worked. My friend took the pictures while laughing her head off.
Then my friend’s mom told me I was done and I didn’t even know she started! Now my ears are double pierced and I love them.
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November 16, 2020 @ 8:53 am
Sienna, so glad you finally got them done RIGHT!!!! Can’t wait to see them.