our back-in-school favorite supplies

It’s hard to believe but we have already been in school for 2 1/2 weeks!
Now that classes have started, some supplies have become obvious necessities and we wanted to share!
Homework, tests, and quizzes are easier if you use this pencil! Seriously! Sumo Grip.
You will be able to find these colorful notebooks in your locker! Five Star Spiral Notebooks.
We found this planner at Target and like everything about it! Simplified Planner.
The best water to bring to class. Life Wtr.
Have you started school yet? What supplies are going to make your year easier?
Oh, and don’t forget to enter to win the giveaway we have on Instagram. It ends today! JoyCreativeShop has the cutest notepads and notecards which are good to have on hand throughout the school year.
To get tips on organizing your desk for the new school year, click here.