“take the stairs” workout

It’s a new year, a new you. Ok, well that’s a little extreme. No one needs a new “you”.
But if you want a healthier “you”, we have a workout you might like.
It’s called the “Take The Stairs” workout. And it is exactly that. You take the stairs up and take the stairs down. Add speed, distance, and strength training exercises as desired.
It’s becoming more and more popular because of all of its benefits:
- It’s convenient. You can do anywhere, anytime – you don’t need a gym membership.
- No special clothes or equipment needed. All that you need is body weight.
- It’s low impact, meaning there is less pressure put on your legs, ankles and knees than running.
- It’s versatile. You can use it as a strength or cardio workout. You can even work on your balance.
- It burns some serious fat and calories and keeps you mentally engaged.
Before you begin, keep in mind, experts recommend taking it slow when starting a new exercise. For a “Take the Stairs” workout, start with a 10 minute session three times per week of stair climbing and slowly build up to more time as your endurance increases.
Climb up stairs with 10 to 12 steps then run down. Try for 10 reps.
- Go at your own pace but make sure you feel your heart rate rise to get that cardio burn going. Increase the speed and/or reps as you get more fit.
- Also, see the “Workout Add-Ons” to make this workout unique to you.
Climb up stairs with 10-12 steps then run down. Do this for three minutes. Go at your own pace but make sure you feel your heart rate rise.
Do Stair Pushups. 10-12 reps.
Grapevine up the stairs and and back down. It’s ok to hold the railing if there is one. Do this for three minutes.
- Be sure to switch your lead leg each time so that you work both sides evenly
Do Triceps Dips. 10-12 reps.
Climb up stairs and then run down. Do this three minutes. Again, go at your own pace.
Do a Plank. Hold it for 15 – 45 seconds.
Climb the stairs and then run down. Do this for three minutes.
Do a Side Plank. Hold it for 15 to 45 seconds. Switch sides.
Squat jump up the stairs and walk down. Continue for three minutes.
There are ways to “step up” (pardon the pun) a basic stair workout. Here are some ideas:
Step up
As you face the stairs, put your left foot on the second step and your right leg behind you on the floor. Bring your right knee to your chest then quickly return to the starting position. Do 12 reps and switch legs.
Stair Push Up
Standing on the floor, lean forward and place your hands on a step. Bend your elbows and lower your body until your check is just above the stairs. Push yourself back up. Do 12 reps.
Triceps Stair Dip
Stand on the floor facing away from the steps. Sit down on the second or third step with your arms by your sides. Lift your bum off the step and slowly lower yourself by bending your elbows. Press back up. Do 12 reps.
Mountain Climbers
Stand on the floor facing the steps, learn forward and place your hands on a step (you will be in the push up position). Extend your legs behind you then bring your left knee to your left shoulder and return to starting position. Do the same with your right knee. It will feel similar to running in place. Do 12 reps on each side.
Most of the exercises that are done on the floor can be adapted to do on the stairs. A quick Google search will show you many more. Just be focused and don’t push yourself too hard to start.
Have fun, stay focused and feel that burn!
For other workouts click here, here and here. You’ll need great music for this workout so click here for the perfect playlist.