why I love green juice!, by KL

Hi everyone!! Happy National Green Juice Day!!! What a fun day!
I personally am a big fan of green juice. It is super tasty and healthy!
I was first introduced to green juice at Ritual One Yoga. After a class there, they offer you juice from a juice bar called “The Gem”. I tried their “Green Glow” and fell in love. It is made with apple, cucumber, kale, lemon and ginger!
The thing I love most about green juices and the “Green Glow” in particular, is how refreshed you feel after drinking it.
If anyone has ever done Ritual One Yoga or any hot yoga in general, you know how sweaty and gross you feel after. Green juice is the perfect thing to drink after any workout because it replenishes your digestive system and electrolytes.
Another thing I love about the “Green Glow” and other green juices made with similar ingredients, is that it doesn’t taste like you would expect it to. It is so tasty!
The “Green Glow” has such a sweet taste to it, I almost feel like I’m drinking a tasty daiquiri on the beach!
I also enjoy green smoothies. My favorite recipe for the tastiest green smoothie is spinach, banana, avocado, coconut milk, and vanilla whey protein. The whey protein is an extra add for a boost in protein, and the milk can be any milk you like, but this smoothie tastes like a milkshake and I highly recommend trying it!
Green juices and smoothies are a simple and tasty way to build more nutrients into your diet and everyday lifestyle!
This article was written for yooou! by one of our Ambassadors, 16 year old, KL. To read other articles that KL has written, click “my step sisters are not like Cinderella’s step sisters” and “I want to share how I love serving my community“.