how to stay active everyday, by mh

This article was written for yooou! by 15-year-old, MH.
Staying active is very important for not only for your physical health but also your mental health.
The way you treat your body and take care of it will reflect how you feel about yourself.
Being active is one of the many ways you can help your body. Staying active doesn’t just mean working out. There are many ways to keep your body strong and healthy, such as playing sports, yoga, walks.
One of my favorite ways to stay active is to play a sport. You can do this with your school or just by getting a ball in your backyard. You can pick any sport you want and just have fun with it.
I play field hockey, soccer, and lacrosse for my school. Whenever I’m bored, I just go outside and kick around the ball or shoot some hoops. It is a great way to clear your mind. If you’re having a stressful day and it is a fun way to blow off some steam.
The most important part is you are having fun. And that you are playing a sport that you like.
Another easy way you can stay active is to do yoga. It may seem funny, but it has some really good health benefits.
You can do yoga anytime of the day. I like doing yoga early in the morning after I wake up to just get a good positive start to my day.
Yoga is a very easy and relaxing thing to do. I normally put on a nice calming playlist to ease my yoga workout. I then will turn on a yoga video. There are many great apps or you can just find one on youtube.
There are also many different types of yoga. Each one has something different and unique about it. You can pick which one is right for you. Yoga isn’t a high intensity activity, but it still gets your blood pumping. And it’s a relaxing way to do it.
During last spring when I had a lot of down time I started to get into running. I have always liked to run just because of the sports I play, but it was the way I stayed positive during the first part of COVID-19.
I would just run through my neighborhood and out by Bachman Lake with my dad. Running is something that you can do when you have a lot of time and it is a great way to stay active. I run about 2 to 4 miles on all my runs.
It is a great way to get steps in, clear my head, and get some alone time. Your runs can be as short or as long as you want them to be. It’s all about personal preference.
These last two ways to stay active are not hard at all. One you can go on a walk. Maybe around your neighborhood or around a lake.
You can even get your friends to come join you. Taking a nice stroll can really help you if you are maybe having some anxiety and just need to focus on you.
Or if you go with your friends you can talk without any interruption and just catch up.
You can also go on a bike ride, which is another easy way to keep active. You can just go for a nice leisurely ride or you can bike to get a workout in.
There are many other ways that you can stay active, but these are some great starts.
Make sure that you’re having fun in all your activities and always stay positive.
If you want to read other articles on staying fit, click here, here, here and here.